Come connect with Juniata faculty and staff for a day or more. Pick from a variety of full-day or half-day camp module options. Camper fees of $50 for a full day module or $30 for a half-day module option. Both options include lunch. Sign up for more than one module (half- or full-day) and receive a $5.00 discount on each module! Thanks to the II-VI Foundation for their contribution to keep summer camp fees at a minimum. For complete session descriptions and to register click here. Modules include:
America’s Next Top Gummy - Experiment in a real lab
Spot It! - Use math to make games
Mountains and Caves - Explore the geography of our region in an outdoor field camp
Bird-Banding at Raystown - Participate in environmental research and monitoring
CS: UB the Investigator - Become a forensic crime scene investigator
Feeling Loopy - Build a paper roller coaster
Borg - Problem-solve in an imaginary game world
Reach for the Stars - Intro to astronomy
How to Use Math to Win Games - Discover patterns and mathematical concepts that result in a win