Exhibition: Valleys and Vistas: Fiber Landscapes by Kari Roslund
Opening reception August 19, 6pm to 8pm
Open Wednesdays thru Sundays, 10am to 5 pm
Concerts on the Quad: Crooked Line
Location: In front of Halbritter Center
Sponsored by the Huntingdon County Arts Council
Free. All donations go to the musicians!
Concerts on the Quad: Acoustic Express
Location: In front of Halbritter Center
Sponsored by the Huntingdon County Arts Council
Free. All donations go to the musicians!
Concerts on the Quad: Urban Fusion
Location: In front of Halbritter Center
Sponsored by the Huntingdon County Arts Council
Free. All donations go to the musicians!

Concerts on the Quad: Big Band Sound
Location: in front of Halbritter Center.
Sponsored by Huntingdon County Arts Council
Free. All donations go to the musicians!
Exhibition: Paintings by James Farrah - Nostalgia and Dream
Opening reception June 17, 6pm to 8pm
Open Wednesdays thru Sundays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Exhibition: Fired Up Around Huntingdon - A Ceramics Exhibit
Opening reception May 8, 6pm to 8pm
Open Wednesdays thru Sundays, 10am to 5pm

Connections Camp: Grades 6 - 12
Come connect with Juniata faculty and staff for a day or more. Pick from a variety of full-day or half-day camp module options. Camper fees of $50 for a full day module or $30 for a half-day module option. Both options include lunch. Sign up for more than one module (half- or full-day) and receive a $5.00 discount on each module! Thanks to the II-VI Foundation for their contribution to keep summer camp fees at a minimum. For complete session descriptions and to register click here. Modules include:
America’s Next Top Gummy - Experiment in a real lab
Spot It! - Use math to make games
Mountains and Caves - Explore the geography of our region in an outdoor field camp
Bird-Banding at Raystown - Participate in environmental research and monitoring
CS: UB the Investigator - Become a forensic crime scene investigator
Feeling Loopy - Build a paper roller coaster
Borg - Problem-solve in an imaginary game world
Reach for the Stars - Intro to astronomy
How to Use Math to Win Games - Discover patterns and mathematical concepts that result in a win
Empty Bowls 2020
SOLD OUT!! This annual fundraiser is hosted by faculty, staff, and students of Juniata College to raise money for four Huntingdon County food banks and pantries, as well as the Huntingdon County Area Elementary School Backpack programs. The event is in its 14th year at Juniata, raising over $65,000 for these organizations and benefitting countless Huntingdon County residents who are food insecure. 100% of the funds raised are donated back to Huntingdon County.
The demand on our food banks, pantries and Backpack programs is greater than ever. And so, rather than an in-person gathering, an online store is being created that will make 250-300 bowls available for purchase during the last week of October (which is also Hunger Awareness month). Purchases will be picked up on November 7th via a “Drive Thru Pick-Up” will be set up in the Juniata College Good Hall parking lot.
(Virtual) Monster Mash Halloween Bash
The Huntingdon County Arts Council is going virtual for its annual Halloween-themed Silent Auction. Some of your favorite artists, businesses, and friends have donated items to benefit the Council.
While we are STILL receiving items, you can Review the Items, Make a Bid, or Buy It Now by clicking HERE. Check back frequently for newly added items.
Bidding closes at 7pm, Saturday, October 31.